

I wrestle with words sometimes; struggle to express myself.
Insecurity, fear, overwhelming love... peace or panic.
Words are magical to me because of their power-
they can set you free or they can trap you.
They can build you up or crush your spirit.
Words to a page are like paint to a canvas.
You step back after pouring out your heart and you can show someone:

that is how i feel.

Words shape us and form us and define our character.
They reveal what our heart is and what matters to us.
And aren’t we all made from words, spoken into being by our Creator? I love how words have so much meaning and can impact a life; change it forever. Words like...          
Gospel, Jesus, Eucharisteo. Grace, forgiven, Joy.

Even though in many moments we use words to express the most beautiful of feelings, I believe it is the most beautiful of feelings that you cannot express- those moments when words utterly fail you and your tongue is still.

The times when you are filled to the brim with words are nothing compared to the times when your breath is taken away and you have nothing to add to the beauty that surrounds you.

When you feel Worshipful  and nothing you could possibly think to say would be more beautiful than the poetry of silence.

Those are the moments that I breathe in  Eucharisteo and breathe out Joy.

Moments that I live for in my wild life.

“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. ” -John Bunyan

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