
Thanksgiving-joy and all it produces.

    Eucharisteo; the giving of thanks
Beholding God
Being filled with love
Desiring to serve others

When you give thanks in all things, you behold the blessings of God and you become filled with gratitude at the grace he bestows. And we are able to give thanks in all things because all is grace.

Oxygen, butterflies, the Gospel, the way our mouths conveniently produce saliva when we chew food, papercuts, origami, tangerines, the stomach flu, the ocean- all is grace. You can give thanks when you are hacking up a storm in the bathroom just like you can give thanks when you’re feeling salty ocean wind on your face.

We get so used to grace that we take it for granted. Every day we do this, about so many things. That’s why we become so discontent and restless when we forget to look, because we become blind to grace. Love, though...it stands out because it’s the most powerful grace of all.

None of us deserve it.

When we marvel at grace, it brings us joy- overwhelming joy comes from that gratitude. It is not happy people that are thankful, it is thankful people that are happy. And as you behold the grace of God and His love for you...you become filled with that love. You can’t help it. When you give thanks and behold God and are filled with joy, love just happens. It pours in.
Beholding is becoming {John Piper} and so as you behold the love of your Creator you become filled with it.

Two things {to name a very small amount...} can happen as a result of being filled with this perfect love. You will be fearless, because perfect love casts out fear. {1 John 4:18. Hallelujah!} Love casts out fear, literally throws it out of your heart. It is the antidote for the poisonous fears that take over.
And you will have a genuine desire to serve others; to be compassionate- because the love of God dwells in you. {1 John 3:17}


Basically...Give thanks, Behold God in the process, Find Joy in Him, Be filled with the Love you have beheld, Take that love and let it cast out your fear, and drive you to serve others selflessly.

This means using my five senses to experience the goodness of God, Being still; ceasing to strive. Giving thanks continually; in every situation. Finding joy in Christ.
Look, be still. See love, give thanks, find joy, behold, be filled, become.

Any circumstances+Thanksgiving=Joy.
Beholding God’s love=Becoming filled with it. Fear=gone.
Love conquers all.

{2 Corinthians 3:18} “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”                                

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