
To Irfan Khan.

Sometimes I dream about you.

You’re always shy, but you eventually grin and sit on my lap. You can somehow understand me, even though I don’t speak Hindi. But you never talk, you just nod and smile at me with those large dark eyes and listen. I tell you about the One True God and how much he loves you, how you’ll never be alone and how you can always trust him- especially when your life gets unbearably hard. You just smile and look, those eyes that go so deep, just looking.

Your eyes, Irfan. Your eyes...

I’ve never even met you, but I pray for you every day and I can’t ever remember feeling this way about a child. I’m not your mother, I’m not your sister, and I’m on the other side of the world.
I’ve only ever seen you in pictures and on the Compassion website, but you’ve stolen my heart, little boy- and you bring me so much joy that sometimes I don’t know who’s getting the better end of the deal with this sponsorship- you or me.

Someday, I’m going to meet you. I’m determined to. I imagine our faces will ache from smiling and you may be far too big to sit on my lap as you do in my dreams.
But as I sit here on the other side of the world looking forward to that day, know that I’m praying for you constantly. Your picture is on my dresser and hope for your future is in my heart.
To be a small, distant part of your life is an honor. I love you, Irfan.

Your friend and sponsor,

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