
Finally done hiding.

The moments when the hiding is over and you feel free...

...are also the moments when you feel the most vulnerable and unstable.

When all your life you've hid to feel safe, and you've never been open with anyone including yourself- no, especially yourself... openness terrifies.

I have more fear to cast out. And more people to be open with.
I have quite a lot of striving to cease if I'm ever to be still.
I have people to love on and serve; feet to wash.
I have thanks to give to God, over and over. 
I have joy...in my hand. I grasp it firmly. 
I have peace to attain and compassion to produce;
actions to be spurred into by it.
I have the Word of God Himself to keep me on track,
and the promise that he will never let me go.

Hell can hit me with all it's got, but through Christ I will overcome this week.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus:

    John 15:5 - Apart from Him we can do nothing.
    Php. 3:13 - With Him we can do all things.
