
Painting, Walmart, and Longing. And Baby Alives.

Hello Everyones.
It's the weekend! How awesome is that? I am so very ready to chill. :-)
This week has been full of school, babysitting, and PAINTING. My Mom bought some watercolors last week and I've just now discovered that....I love to paint. It's so much fun! And I'm almost good at it. Here are some pictures of things I've painted this week. :-)

A Poppy. It gave me much trouble and stress and I don't like the way it turned out. :-P I'm way too much of a perfectionist, I suppose.

A MINION. Haven't named him yet...

Another one of said awesome minion....

This painting is really little-girl-ish, a fairy being released into the wild....it seems like it needs a story to go with it.

Stuff I doodled when I got bored...

A wedding bouquet that didn't turn out the way I'd hoped....

My favorite. :-) Bright yellow flowers, a zebra finch, and a veiw into the earth. 

 Oh. I have a story. So this week my Mom took Naomi and I to Walmart to go shopping, and Naomi led me around the store talking her head off and being her usual bubbly, colourful, and plain awesome self. So we we're passing the toy section, and something catches Naomi's eye.

An entire shelf of Baby Alives. Ya know, those freaky dolls that are almost ALIVE. *shudder*

This is WAY too hard to resist for my spontaneous twelve year old sister. Especially with ME there, her fifteen year old don't-embarrass-me big sister. So what does she do? She runs up to the shelf and screams at the top of her lungs, "BABY ALIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!". And since the Baby Alives respond to voices, especially loud ones, they all start laughing their robotic heads of, screaming, laughing, and jumping up and down in their cardboard boxes.

It was positively hysterical!!!! And so of course Naomi had to do it again. And again. And, agaiiiiiin. And a ton of people in Walmart are staring at us, the crazy girls with the curly hair who are making an awful commotion of laughing, screaming, and "BABY ALIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!". Oh, my word. It totally made my day. It made my WEEK. Even though I hid in in Bike section, I was laughing so hard and thoroughly embarrassed. That was the funny moment of the week. :-) I've been going up to Naomi randomly now and yelling 

So yeah. Life's pretty much amazing, as usual. Though I haven't cooked anything in a very long time. So I have this longing inside of me to COOK. Like an insane urge to braise or fry or steam something, anything. I really wish I wasn't so busy with school. Ah, well. When I graduate I can cook all the livelong day. And indeed I shall. Anyways, that's all for now. :-) Adieu.

-Esther <3

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