
My week, the New Year, and other such things.

Hello Peoples!!! It's 2011 now. I haven't posted on my blog since LAST YEAR. :P
I haven't done much cooking lately, on account of Grandparents coming over on Tuesday! I had a VERY full week. But not full as in rushed, stressful, and frantic, but happy nd blessed. THAT kind of full. :) Sunday we went to church where we hung out with friends, and I had an awesome time being silly in the cold with Lizzy. Sweet gorgeous person. :) Monday held much hurried cleaning and loads of laundry. Tuesday held last minute cleaning, Grandparents arriving, dining at Sweet Tomatoes, and returning home and staying up late chatting with Gramma and Grandpa. Wednesday was for donuts, bowling, card games, pot roast, and napping. I actually didn't stink as bad at bowling as I thought I would. :) Thursday was for The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, (liked it much better than the previous Narnia movie.) Brothers pizza, and more card games. Friday was for walking around Market Street window shopping. :) We went in Borders, Ser La Table, ZGallerie, and then ate delicious burritos at Chipotle. YUM. We went home and played more cards until the grown ups turned into pumpkins and then I brought in the New Year by text messaging my beautimous friends till wee hours of the night. No fireworks, however, because they're prohibited in our neighborhood. :'( And now it's today. January 1st, 2011. *sigh* The year seems to have flown by. A LOT has changed in my life. I'VE changed a lot, too. In several different areas of my life. I'd like to think I've become a little more patient this year. That might be true. I've also stopped being self conscious about my hair, and let it go curly. I started doing that in October. I let it go curly and stopped worrying about what people would say, and people loved it. Just goes to show how ridiculous it is to worry about one's appearance all the time. (Note: I'm not saying that you should disregard personal hygiene. Just be a little less self conscious. :P) God gave me crazy hair for a reason. Might as well wear it proudly. That's another thing. I've learned to accept things in my life better this year. (Or shall I say last year) Things around us people happen for a reason, and sometimes we lose track of that and refuse to look at the big picture. In 2010 I really tried hard to look at the big picture. And it helped a lot. In fact, that's an understatement. I basically learned the secret to being content. And I suppose all of you would like to know what that is. I'll tell you what it is. It's waking up every morning determined to MAKE the day good. Pausing in the midst of the whirlwind that makes up your life and thanking God for what he's given you. Skipping instead of walking, singing instead of being silent. Taking comfort in the fact that there is someone oh-so-very Infinite watching over oh-so-very finite you. Recognizing that YOU are a miracle. You could have been somebody completely different. But no, you're YOU, and there's only one of you in the entire Universe. And there only ever will be one. You are a very tiny but also very important part of God's plan. Like the molecules in a chair. They're terribly tiny, but you need all of them to make a chair. In my
opinion, real true contentment means being at peace. Being okay with God's massive plan that will ultimately restore the world to Him. I haven't achieved contentment or peace this year. But I think that the struggles and stress I've been put through have kind of helped me to see what contentment is, isn't, and how it can be gotten. This next year, I plan on doing just that. I'm going to make 2011 a year that I can look back at and go "Wow. That was one of the best years of my life!". This year, I am going to live every single day like it's my last. I'm going to enjoy each second of my life. No more discontentment, bitterness, laziness, rebellion, or indifference. And basically what amounts to wasting my life. That's basically my New Year's resolution, if you want to call it that. Basically make this year ROCK. Oh, and I'm also planning on blogging more. :)
Anyways. That's what's been swirling around in this crazy head of mine this week.
-Esther Noelle Habegger

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