
My gorgeous friend named Lizzy...

So I've got this friend. And she's pretty stinking amazing. She hates spiders and her eyebrows, loves Lucius Hunt, Arthur, and Sugarland, has an amazing sense of humor, and a knack for making things that normally aren't funny quite hilarious. (You know what I'm talking about, Liz.) And she's got this gorgeous sparkly smile that changes color cause of her braces, and she's an amazing hugger. She's quite essential to my sanity and I LOVE HER TO DEATH! We have all these inside jokes and most of the time when we're together we just LAUGH. About the most ridiculous stuff ever. It's a blast. There's absolutely no way I could fit everything about her in one blog post. It would take the rest of my LIFE. So, this indescribably gorgeous woman that I'm trying to describe to you is graduating soon, so her brother and I decided to do a photoshoot of her. <3

                                                     Is this girl not positively gorgeous???


                                        I love this one..the shadows are so cool.


                                                 Lizzy is looking ahead to a bright future. ;-)

                                       Hahaha pretending to be The Statue Of Liberty...

                                                 *points* I love that woman to death. True story.  

My gorgeous and quite goofy friend. :-D

                                                     This picture cracks me up. :-D

          Lizzy's siblings decided to pop in the picture. LOL they're all pointing at the awesome one. ;-)

 And then everybody cracked... 

 I TOLD you she was indescribably gorgeous...

I love you, Lizzy. :-) 

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAWWWWWHHH! I love you too, dear. Like. THIS much. But more than that. :)

    You're SO STINKING SWEET. Okay? Like really. I can't WAIT to hang out with you again. (haha. Agaaaiiin.) Because we're gonna be SO hyper. SUGAAAAR. CAFFINE. 6 1/2 HOURS of AVATAR. WATCHING THE STARS COME OUT. And everything else. *cough cough* *nudge nudge* :P
    *fifteen days!*

    Oi. Lurv. Yoo. Mostest. <3 <3 <3
