
Cause I feel like it. :-)

Have you....

1. danced in front of your mirror? No, actually, I haven't. But now that you mention it I want to. Gee. Why did you have to mention that? Okay one sec. *goes and dances in front of mirror* Okay NOW I have. And ya know, that was pretty fun. :-)

2. been in a fist fight? Nope. 

3. had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Um. Do you think I just go around telling people what I think of them? O.o

4. left your house without telling your parents? Yes. *cower*

5. been on stage? YES. I love acting....though I positively stink at it, I'm afraid. :-P

6. seen someone die?  In movies...but not in real life.

7. been on a plane? No. *sniffle*

8. gone ice skating? Yes. I almost DIED!!!!! Okay so not really but I fell down a lot. :-P

9. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Oh yes. Allll the time. Cause it's just awesome.

10. made a snow angel? No. I live in Texas, the land of humidity and heat.

11. played dress up? YES. Indeed. :-)

12. cheated while playing a game? Maybe...

13. been lonely? Whoever made this question up must not know much about people. :-P Yes, DUH!

14. been to a bar? Nope....

15. felt an earthquake? No. Thankfully.

16. touched a snake? Yes.

17. ran a red light? No, I can't drive...YET. Hehe.

18. hated the way you look? Yep...

19. witnessed a crime? Um. Nope.

20. been the person doing the crime? HEE. *guilt* LOL No, are you kidding me?!?

21. been lost? Yup. :(

22. been to the opposite side of the country? Yesh. :-)

23. felt so sick you thought you might die? Yes. But only once. And I was probably just being dramatic anyways. :-P You know me.....

24. cried yourself to sleep? Yes. I have. *no. other. comment*

25. sang karaoke? No, but I want to. Even though I'll probably scare the daylights outta people doing it, hahaha.:-P

26. done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes....

27. laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yep. OH! And once I laughed so hard my contact popped straight out of my eye. Life's pretty stinking amazing, no?

28. do you think you're a health freak? I like good quality food, but I'm not a health freak. :-P

29. sang in the shower? Yes, I do that almost every morning. :-)

30. had a dream where you were married? Yes, I've had several. :-P

31. glued your hand to something? Nope.

32. sat on a roof top? Yes. Even though I'm deathly scared of heights.

33. have a fear of an animal? Nope.

34. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yes, lol. And then I pushed THEM into the pool. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. :-P

35. broken a bone? Yes. My toe. *tear*

36. laughed so hard you cried? Oh yes. All the time. I love laughing. :-D

37. mooned/flashed someone? Erm. NO!!! 

38. cheated on a test? Maybe.

39. get motion sickness? Occasionally.

40. gone skinny dipping? NO ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! O.o *is thoroughly disturbed*

41. gone to a late night movie? Yes. :-)

42. felt like running away? Ahem. Yes.

43. made a parent cry? I don't know...

44. get along with your parents? Yes. :-)

45. own an instrument? Yes, a piano. But I don't know how to play. :-(

46. been in band? Nope.

47. drank 25 sodas in a day? Dude. That could seriously KILL YOU! *Mommy instincts come out*

48. gotten more than two piercings? Nope.

49. are you a fast typer? When I do these long quiz things, it makes me feel slow. :-P.

50. thrown up in public? Nope. That's not at all nasty. O.o


1. Rock or Rap? Rock...

2. TV or Movies?  Movies, probably.

3. Books or Magazines? Books.

4. Night or Morning? I'm not a morning person or a night person. I'm a LIFE person. :-)

5. Kisses or Hugs? Hugs, until marriage. Then yes, kisses please. :-)

6. Car or Motorcycle? Hmmm... *ponders question* Well. Oh gee. *can't decide*

7. Run or Walk? Walk. :)

8. Burger King or McDonald's? Burger King. McDonalds is plain disgusting.

9. Apples or Bananas? That's impossible to answer... :-P

10. Apples or Oranges? FRUIT. I love fruit. And I can't decide.

11. Strawberry or Blueberry? Can't decide. :-P

12. Mexican or Italian Food? Italian.

13. Chicken or Beef? Beef...chicken...beef. Gee I dunno.

14. Doritos or Cheetos? Doritos.

15.Veggies or Fruits? Both are awesome.

16. Meat or Fish? Both! GEE why are you making me answer all this ridiculous stuff? Is this actually IMPORTANT?

17. Hot Fudge or Caramel? Caramel.

18. Pepsi or Coke? ROOT BEER. Ohe mah wurd. Fo seriuss.

19. Pickles or Cucumbers? Cucumbers!!! I stinking love those things.

20. Pizza or Spaghetti? That's super hard. I refuse to decide. :-P

21. Potato Chips or Popcorn? Can't decide.

22. Cake or Ice Cream? Ice cream!! *dies from bliss*

23. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla. Cause I'm boring like that. :-P

24. Tea or Coffee? Oh my. I LOVE both. Depends on my mood.

25. Baked or Mashed Potatoes? Mashed.

26. Nachos or French Fries? French fries. :-)

27. Mashed Potatoes or French Fries? French fries.

28. Skittles or Starburst? Starbust.

29. Snickers or Twix? Snickers. :-)

30. Sausage or Bacon? DUDE. This question is SO. OBVIOUS!!! Bacon>Sausage. It's THAT SIMPLE, people.

31. Pancake or Waffle? Pancakes.

32. Taco or Burrito? Burrito. :-) That's so much fun to say, especially in an accent. :-D BURRITO.

33. Long or Short Nails? Medium.

34. Halloween or Christmas? Christmas, doi.

35. Scream or Cry? Cry. I no likes to scream.

36. Sunrise or Sunset? That is positively impossible. Both are glorious. :-)

37. Sun or Moon? Both are pretty essential, dontcha think??

38. Beach or Pool? Beach. :-D

39. Dolphins or Whales? Dolphins! I wanna go swimming with dolphins someday.....

40. Snakes or Spiders? Spiders.

41. Basketball or Football? Er...... *blank stare*

42. Soccer or Baseball? Soccer, probably....

43. Snowboard or Ski? *dies laughing just THINKING about me doing either of those*

44. Skateboard or Rollerblades? Roller-blades.

45. Ferris Wheel or RollerCoaster? Ferris wheel, please.

46. Circus or Fair? Fair. :-)

47. Bath or Shower? Shower.

48. Ice or Fire? Can't decide....

49. Canned or Fresh? Ewwww! Fresh, duh!

50. Glass or Plastic? Glass. I LOVE GLASS. Oh my goodness gracious. It's plain gorgeous. And Lizzy says that plastic causes cancer. :P So there ya go. lol.

51. Time or Money? Time, derrr.

52. Offense or Defense? Defence.

53. Fact or Fiction? Fiction, if I HAD to choose.

54. Board Game or Video Game? Board games.

55. Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia? The Chronicles of Narnia!!!! Cause they just plain ooze with awesomeness.

56. Star Wars or The Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings!!!!! *is a total nerd*

57. Darth Vader or Darth Maul? Darth Vader! *makes Darth Vader noises*

58. Comedy or Drama? Both.

59. Batman or Superman? Batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

60. Jack Sparrow or Will Turner? Jack Sparrow!

61. Aragorn or Legolas? Aragorn. In the movies, anyway.

62. Ferrari or Lamborghini? Jaguar. I know just the kinda car I want. :-)

63. Snow Globe or Music Box? Music box.

64. Fantasy or Reality? I love both. :-)

65. Apartment or Dorm? Apartment, probably....

66. Scuba Diving or Bungee Jumping? Scuba Diving. *is deathly afraid of heights*

67. Aquarium or Zoo? Hmmm. That's hard.

68. Hot Topic or Pac Sun? No idea.

69. Herbivore or Carnivore? I'm an Omnivore. Beat THAT. :-P

70. Pizza Hut or Dominoes? Dominoes!!!!!!!! We just got Dominoes. :-)

71. Guitar Hero 3 or Rockband? Blech. I hate videogames.

72. Die being Alone or Die being Lonely? Well GEE what kinda question is THAT?!? How depressing....

73. Desert or Arctic? Neither. :P

74. Tetris or PacMan? Tetris.

75. 3D or HD? HD.

76. Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner? Christmas. :-D

77. Tom or Huck? Tom.

78. Lake or Ocean? Ocean. :-)

79. Comb or Brush? Alas, I cannot brush this mass of curls that I call hair, for if I dar'st to do such a deed they'll frizz up and I shall look like something out of a 70's disco party....

80. Perfume or Cologne? Perfume on girls, Cologne on guys. As long as they smell nice. :-P

81. Computer or Laptop? Laptop.

82. Zune or Ipod? Ipod.

83. Doctor or Dentist? Dentist. At least he only inspects your MOUTH. I don't like to be inspected, see.

84. Contacts or Glasses? Contacts. *points to eye*

85. Speed or Strategy? Strategy.

86. Swimming or Hiking? Both. :-)

87. Hot Tub or Cold River? Hot tub. I LURV warmth.

88. Mascara or Eyeliner? Mascara, probably.

89. Lipstick or Chapstick? Lipstick.

90. Shoes or Barefeet? Barefeet. *happy sigh* But I DO love cute shoes. :-)

91. Looks or Money? Personality, please!!! :-P

92. Hot Air Balloon or Submarine? Oh my. Neither. I'm afraid of heights and drowning. o.O

93. Surviving the Titanic or a 9.5 Earthquake? OH. my goodness. NO idea.

94. Sand or Water? Water. :-)

95. Shot or Stabbed? Stabbed. Ouch. Cause I might actually survive. :-P

96. Singer or Dancer? I love singing AND dancing. :-)

97. Runner or Swimmer? Swimmer.

98. Surfing or Scuba Diving? Both! I must do both these things before I die...

99. Having 99 cats or having 99 dogs? EW. Neither..... O.o

100. Kittens or Puppies? Both. :-)

WOW. That took me long enough. :-P Hope y'all are having an awesome week!

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