

Sooo. Today is Monday. And it was *awesome*. I'll tell you why.
Today I was going to go hang out with my friend Bentleigh (she called me last night to invite me over), so she picks me up and we're driving along chatting and laughing like normal-ish people (haha), and we get to her house and walk inside.
Two things I notice: Lots of food on a table, and Mrs Bledsoe with a camera in her hands. Then I walk a little forwards and see something move over to the left of me. Then, all of a sudden, a dozen beaming faces jump out of thin air screaming "SURPRISE!!!!!!!" 

My first thought? Holy cow are they really here for me?! Oh my word. Really?!   
Haha I ran around and hugged everybody and felt like bursting into tears, I was so happy. I have the bestest friends ever. We ate and swam and dunked each other in the pool, played games and tanned on the driveway. It was the perfect day. The only downside? Not everybody could make it. So to everyone who missed it: 
*happy sigh* I am so blessed. It's wonderful. Ridiculous, even. I don't deserve you people.

NOW? Packing. Lots of it. I have to fit everything into one very large suitcase....it's pretty stinking huge. Naomi fits into it, haha. I should stick her in there at the last minute. I can't live without the girl. And gahhh am I really leaving in two days?! No. I can't be. Ohmygoodness I am. And this day is almost over. So soon it will be one day. Oh my. I think I'll just stay in my little bubble of denial for now...heh heh. 

Well, I should go. Gonna go play cards with the family. Have a good week, people. 
-Esther <3

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