
The longest blog post evaaahh.

Okay people! I beg pardon for not posting in over a MONTH. *cringe* Don't hurt meeeee! 
So the last time I posted, I was about to leave for the lovely state of Indiana. Wellguesswhat! I'm currently in the lovely state of Indiana, doing missionary work like a crazy lady, and having wayyy too much fun. So I've been here for a month, and a whole bunch of things have happened, and I can't tell you everything. But I wish I could!! I'll just tell you the highlights and bring you up to speed. We arrived in Indiana (in the late night, like 2 AM! Crazy train people kept us up, too, so we barely slept...) and the next week we started our pre-training. We learned a lot, and then all of a sudden we were whisked off to actual Training. And Training was intense, dude. We were evaluated and and sat through classes and were evaluated some more and then a a LITTLE bit of sleep and then did it all again. But it was totally worth it because I learned so much there, and all of the people there were incredible. So this week we started doing 5-Day Clubs, clubs for children where we teach them the Gospel, Bible stories, memory verses, and play games and stuff with them. 
Awesome story #1:
Monday morning we're at our 2nd club, and no kids come. So we go out to give invitation flyerish things to kids we find, and we found some who said they'd come the next day. And then we saw this little group of kids playing underneath a really pretty tree, and Bethany suggested that we present the Wordless Book (a took we use to present the Gospel story to children)to them. So she takes this one girl named Kylie aside and I took this girl named Ellie aside and I started to tell her the Gospel. It turns out she's never even heard of God. So I'm sitting there trying to explain and describe God (a very impossible task, really...) and she really understood well. And the light that switched on in her face when I told her that He loved her made me want to cry. So then I talked about Sin. I explained what it was, defined it. Then I explained that all have sinned, meaning everybody. And meaning her. I saw her get uneasy and troubled. But then I told her about the solution to this horrible problem, Sin. I told her all about Jesus and what he did for everybody, and what she can do to be saved. I asked her if she wanted to do that. She said "Yeah!" like it was the most obvious question on the planet, and nodded enthusiastically. So she prayed fervently and asked God to forgive her of her sin and save her. And she thanked him for Jesus' sacrifice and said she loved him, which I thought was sweet. Little girls' minds work that way. God loves me? I should love him back. Why aren't average Christians like that about God? We talk about God's love like it's ordinary, everyday stuff. Like God is ordinary, everyday stuff. Well the more I've found myself trying to describe God to children, the more in awe of Him I've become. He's indescribable, amazing. And the more I share of Him to children, the more I fall in love with Him. And that's part of what happened on Monday. Serious WOW moment for me. And there's more awesome stories to come, (things got even more amazing on Tuesday... *happiness*) Anyways, I must leave you, I have to go teach the last day of Clubs for this week. And I do realize that this blog post isn't the longest ever....I was hoping to have more time. I love you people. God bless y'all. 
-Esther <3

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