
Life. And quiz thingey.

Well. My project was kind of a flop. :-P In case you couldn't tell, I never finished it. I got wayyy too caught up with adorable cousins and school and life and stuff to actually do cooking! So I had nothing to blog about. Anyways, I am determined to start blogging more! Because it's a nice outlet for creativity, and also just plain fun to do. :-) So. Here's a random quiz thingey that I stole from Lizzy. :-)

Can you do this without deleting any questions?
We'll see. :-P

What comes to mind when I say 69?
They look kinda like tape dispensers.... yes, I'm THAT random and awesome. ;-)

 Is there a person that you can go to in sweats, hair a mess, and still feel comfy?
Yes. :-)

Have you ever thought about killing someone in detail?
Umm. hehe. 

What do you have pierced on you?
Mah bellibutton.
Okay not really....my ears. :-)

Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My brother. He was the person that MADE me cry. MEN. *rolls eyes*

Who knows your secrets?
More people than I'd like. :-P

Do you straighten your hair?
Nope. *shakes choppy mane of round curls that are bursting with personality* I wear my hair the way God gave it to me.

Has a good friendship ended recently that you wish had not?

How old will you be in 4 years?

Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
Ha! Most of them are girls. And only if I was marrying they guy and it was my wedding day, sure.

Was today a good day?
Ha! *cough* I did school, okay? It's supposed to be Christmas break. BUT. There's plenty of time to make the rest of it awesome.

Will tomorrow be?
Yes, I think it will be. But you never know. I will make it awesome, no matter what.

Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
Yes. Yes.

Are you happy right now?
*giant dreamy grin* Guess.

Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
Hahaha yes.... I went into hysterics.

Do you like being home alone?
Kind of.

Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
Amazing person, sending me a picture.

Is there anyone you trust who you shouldn't?

Will you be in a relationship in the next month?
Don't think so. But that would be cool. :-P

Do you have anything that belongs to a partner or an ex partner?

When was the last time you cried really hard?
A week ago or so...

Do you argue with people often?
Heh. Kind of. Depends on the subject.

What would you say if a girl told you they were in love with your brother?
Ummm. I'd be really weirded out...

Where is your number one person on your friends list?
I don't have like..."rankings" on my friends. But all my friends are far away. :-(

Have you ever had a school picture turn out absolutely dreadful?

Does it bother you when you text somebody and they take forever to respond?
Sort of.

Who did you spend at least two hours with today?
My darn Algebra book!!

Would you ever date your number one on myspace?
 Myspace is for losers! 'Nuff said.

Have you ever fallen asleep texting someone?
Yesh.... It was like 3 inna morning, ok?

Do you act differently around the person you like?

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Never dated a someone...

Who's shoulder did you last cry on?
I've never cried on anyone's shoulder. Sadly.

Where did your last hug take place??
In the living room. My Mommy.

Have a best friend?

Are you tall?
No. :'(

Ever received a really long apology?

Do you want kids?
YES. Ohmygoodness yes. :-) I adore children. And I want a couple dozen.

How are you?
Good!!!! And you?

Guilty about something?
Um. Yes...

Ever done something illegal?
No....maybe....why? :-P

Do you have any friends whose parents won't let them hang out with you?

Have you had strong feelings for someone this year?
Yes. I usually have strong feelings when I get feelings about ANYTHING. I've had strong feelings for Shun brand cooking knives this year!!! :-P Let's just say I love hard and hate hard. *iz an emotional loser*

Have you ever fallen asleep while talking to someone?

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
Yes! When awesome young men give me their coats. And also I was in a play, The Taming of The Shrew. And I played Hortensio! It was awesome. Soooo much fun. :-) But yeah....Hortensio happened to be a guy.

Think of the last person who said I love you to you, do you think they meant it?
Yes. :-)

Who was the first person you talked to today?

What can't you wait for?
Umm. Getting married. Cause I want to really bad. And people usually can't wait for things they want really bad. C'mon. Who DOESN'T want an awesome guy to tell them that they love them and give them giant hugs and be the father to their children??? Besides guys, I mean...

What woke you up this morning?
My uberly awesome BODY CLOCK! But the darn thing woke me up LATE. I really need an alarm clock. :-P

Who was the last person you fell asleep on or rested on?
Me Momma.

Who was the last person to call you?
LIZZY! :-)

Do you drink more water or juice?
Water....we don't get juice often.

Are you there for your friends?
I try really hard to be.

How different are you from three years ago?
Wow. Three years. I'd be 12. O.o
I've changed a LOT.

Do you hate being alone?
Solitude is nice sometimes. But I don't like being single, if that's what you mean. Blech. Loneliness stinketh.

What's your favorite color?
BRIGHT YELLOW! Like lemon yellow.

Do you get along with girls?
Yes! Most of them! :-P

What are you doing right now?
Listening to Michael Buble station on Pandora. Cause he rocks and stuff.

Do you think you're old?
Yes! I'm an old maid now, cause Hannah's getting married....

Are you afraid of the dark?
Nope. The dark is awesome. Cause then you can see the STARS. *dreamy grin*

Do you like your life?
Yes. I absolutely love life. In fact, I've had a post bubbling up inside of me for quite some time now on that very subject.

Ever talked to someone that was drunk?
No. I've talked to someone who had a hangover though. Stupid people who can't drink in moderation!

Do you have good vision?
No.... *hands head in loserness* I'm nearsighted. Hurrah for whoever invented contacts, cause I look really weird with glasses. :-P

Have you ever lost a friend?
Yes. It totally stunk. I try to keep my friends. Cause they rock. But it doesn't always work out. So.

Did you have a dream last night?
Yes. It was troubling. And I awoke feeling terrible. Stupid brain!!! *headdesk*

What should you need to be doing?
*steals Lizzy's answer*
Terrible grammar there.
I can't even figure out what that sentence even meant.

Can you handle the truth?
Ohhhh yeah. I handle it all the time.

What time did you wake up this morning?
8:00 AM. I was late.... *guilty look*

How often do you talk on the phone?
Hehe... *gives Lizzy look* I talk on the phone a lot. It's pretty much essential to my sanity. :-P

Are you currently frustrated with someone?
I try very hard not to be, but unfortunately I am. A couple someones.

Have you made a prank phone call?
HAHAHAHAHA! *cough* Yes. Lots. And they've all been awesome. :-D

Do you use chapstick?
Yes. Like. When my lips get chapped. Doi. :-P

Do you like your hair?
Yes! It's just as crazy as me. It's thick and curly and out of control most of the time, and other times it's mellow and wavy.

Have you ever broken your arm?
No. And I'm glad.

Full House or Brady Bunch?
No idea...

Do you have any scars?
Yes, from cooking. And skinning my knees as a kid. 

Do you have a friend that starts with the letter Q?
No. I wish I did. That'd be cool.

What month and year is it?
December 2010

Do you love someone?
YES. I love so many people. Ohhmygoodness. <3


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