
It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS! :)

Ooooh my goodness. This time of year is CRAZY. People rushing around buying last minute gifts, driving like mad people, and being grumpy about everything. C'MON PEOPLE!!! It's the Christmas season!! SMILE FOR PETE'S SAKE! *sigh* It's kinda fun to be the only calm one in Walmart, smiling like crazy and telling people "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!". Being the only sane one around makes me feel preeeeetty cool. :) So. The gifts are under the tree, (most of them, anyways...some still need to be wrapped) it's slightly chilly outside, suspense has built up over the weeks, and there's two more days till Christmas. OOOOH. Which means that *tomorrow* is Christmas Eve. Which means Christmas Eve party at the Franklin's house. Which means the awesomest eggnog you've ever lasted in your LIFE! *does happy eggnog dance* Eggnog is a funny word...

Sooooo. This week has been pretty busy. And crazy. I've babysat, done school (sad, I know, to be doing school on the week of Christmas), gone to see my lovely chiropractor *angels sing*, called friends on the phone (you know who you are), went shopping for gifts, wrapped gifts, MADE gifts, tried guessing what my gifts were, (and utter failed I might add) read a lot of Proverbs, and went around being my usual weirdo self. :) Oh. And my Grandparents are coming over! On the 27th. Which makes this time of year even awesomer! This time of year also makes me want to COOK. Very bad. I want a giant kitchen and a big apron and all the ingredients and time in the world. Oh, the stuff I could make. *dreamy sigh* I've also been craving sushi....(Yup I'm pretty stinking random!) But sushi unfortunately doesn't fit in with this time of year. :/ They should invent a holiday where everybody eats sushi...Sushi Appreciation Day or something like that. Just cause sushi isn't appreciated enough. I mean seriously.

*happy sigh* I've been thinking about my friends lately. You know, those gorgeous people that put up with me. ;) I have soooo many beautiful unique friends. I'm pretty blessed. :)

I've ALSO been thinking about trees. Because I just LOVE trees. And grass. I love all things green and living. Nature in general, really. OH. The sunset today. It was breathtaking. Absolutely amazing. :) I wish I had painting skills so I could paint sunsets. Alas, my skills are limited to being very sentimental, efficent at housework, and cooking up meals that are quite edible. All good skills, and very useful in life (besides the sentimentality), but not quite like being able to paint a sunset. :)

Anyways. I think that's all for today. :) Au revoir!
-Esther Noelle Habegger

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