
Bitterness and other negative emotions.

Yes, this is another one of those "I've been thinking" blog posts. You people haven't been getting cooking posts because I haven't had time to cook, just work. And learn. Hence, these blog posts, the thoughts of a fifteen year old girl that probably aren't significant in a world of six billion people, but ohwell. I need to let this out before I explode, okay?? Okay.
So, I've been thinking. About bitterness mostly, and forgiveness. That kind of thing. When somebody sins against you, or hurts you exceedingly, or even constantly. Because pretty much everybody's been sinned against or been offended, and bitterness is something I'm seeing a lot, even in my own church. The whole "Well that was just inexcusable..." attitude, and sometimes "She doesn't deserve to be forgiven!". And that's something that I've struggled with a lot, especially this past year, is bitterness and forgiveness. And not just with an acquaintance, but with someone that I live and interact with and see daily. You know what bitterness boils down to? Pride. Us letting our hurt feelings get in the way of loving someone. Us thinking ourselves above and somehow less sinful than that person. The Devil whispering in our ear that we need to hold onto our hurt rather than just let it go. And so we do. And our hearts and sometimes our lives get filled with and hindered by this sin. But if you turn it around, look at it from a different perspective, and quit listening to the Devil, then it makes it a lot easier to let it all go. Because everybody in the world has sinned, meaning you. Meaning that you are just as unlovely as the next guy, even the guy who's offended you or makes your life miserable. And God is constantly, daily forgiving you of your sin, if you are trusting in Him. And do you deserve it? No. Not one of us do. And yet He gives us His grace. Lavishes it on us, actually. None of us deserve to be forgiven, and the absolute best way of showing Christ to someone is by loving them. And Love keeps no record of wrong. So let God wash you of your bitterness, and forgive the person you're holding something against. If God can daily forgive a world of His people who constantly mess up and are undeserving, you can forgive that one person you have something against.
Just some food for thought.
-Esther <3

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