

Sooo. Today is Monday. And it was *awesome*. I'll tell you why.
Today I was going to go hang out with my friend Bentleigh (she called me last night to invite me over), so she picks me up and we're driving along chatting and laughing like normal-ish people (haha), and we get to her house and walk inside.
Two things I notice: Lots of food on a table, and Mrs Bledsoe with a camera in her hands. Then I walk a little forwards and see something move over to the left of me. Then, all of a sudden, a dozen beaming faces jump out of thin air screaming "SURPRISE!!!!!!!" 

My first thought? Holy cow are they really here for me?! Oh my word. Really?!   
Haha I ran around and hugged everybody and felt like bursting into tears, I was so happy. I have the bestest friends ever. We ate and swam and dunked each other in the pool, played games and tanned on the driveway. It was the perfect day. The only downside? Not everybody could make it. So to everyone who missed it: 
*happy sigh* I am so blessed. It's wonderful. Ridiculous, even. I don't deserve you people.

NOW? Packing. Lots of it. I have to fit everything into one very large suitcase....it's pretty stinking huge. Naomi fits into it, haha. I should stick her in there at the last minute. I can't live without the girl. And gahhh am I really leaving in two days?! No. I can't be. Ohmygoodness I am. And this day is almost over. So soon it will be one day. Oh my. I think I'll just stay in my little bubble of denial for now...heh heh. 

Well, I should go. Gonna go play cards with the family. Have a good week, people. 
-Esther <3


lovely weekend.

WHEEEE I had an awesome weekend! Yesterday our Church had its 10th Anniversary Party, which was so much fun. *giant grin* We ate BBQ, talked, sang till our voices gave out, and drenched each other with water balloons! It was immensely enjoyable. :-D 

Today was Isaiah and I's last Sunday at church for a long time, as we're leaving this Wednesday for Indiana. It was bittersweet, as the whole weekend reminded me how much I love everybody and how much I'll miss them.
Saying goodbye to everybody made me ache like crazy. But I pulled myself together and didn't cry. 
You St. David's people are the bee's knees. Seriously. 
And now this week will be full of packing, paperwork, *leaving*, traveling and arriving. And also stress. 
But hey! If life was all ease everybody would be ridiculously bored. Not to mention obese. 
Food for thought, people. 
-Esther <3


I'm leaving in 15 days. *cue panicking*

Hello persons! I hope you're all doing well. :) So, as I revealed in my last blog post, I'm going to Indiana for the entire Summer. And today it just hit me that I'm leaving in fifteen days. And I'm just freaking out a *little* bit. First of all, I'm going to miss everybody in Texas so much it's not even funny. I love you all so much and I don't know what I'll do without you for three whole months. Indiana will be new people, environment, everything. I wish I could say that I'm not terrified, but I'd be flat out lying, lol. So I'll put it this way: this will definitely be an adventure. One that requires courage. 

"If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone." -John Maxwell

Let's say I plan on growing a lot this Summer. ;)
-Esther <3


Catching up...again.

Wow. I really need to blog more and not procrastinate about it. A lot's happened since I last posted. Amazing what can happen in a few weeks. Well first of all, our Church hosted the Spring Ball. And it was so much fun!! I laughed till I cried and danced myself silly.

And then my darling Mommy had a birthday.
And Easter happened.
It was glorious. And now I have some news...I'm going to Indiana for the entire Summer. I'm staying with my Grandparents, and participating in the CYIA program, Christian Youth In Action. I'm leaving the 25th of May and going with my brother Isaiah by train! It should be awesome. :)
 Anyways, that's all for now. I'll try to be better about posting from now on, lol.
-Esther <3