
Snow, dancing, and incredibly fun people!

Oh my. It's been a little while since I last posted. Well, a week. But it feels quite long.
Anyways, my visit to Lizzy's house was wonderful, and lots of fun. Only poor Lizzy got a terrible fever and missed out on most of the fun, she was resting.

And it SNOWED on Friday!!! Only by the time I got out to take pictures, it was mostly just ice.

Ice is so much fun to play in. It made for an awesome weekend full of happiness. Daddy took me out for Starbucks on the way to Lizzy's house and let me spontaneously run around in the ice like a mad woman. You know you have a good Daddy when he'll let you do that. And when he'll drive you to your friend's house with ice on the roads. So basically, I have the best Daddy in the world. <3

The rest of the weekend was filled with cold weather and laughter and food and dancing. :-) The Mayfields arrived at about 10 PM Friday evening. I made five large pizzas to feed all of us, and I made one of them the *special* way that Lizzy and I thought up, our own awesome recipe. :-) And I suppose I shouldn't take all the credit for the pizzas, cause Daniel M. helped me with one and made a pepperoni smiley face on it.  :-D

So that night we were planning on staying up all night having fun, but we crashed halfway through. We did, however, manage to stay up till 4:30 AM, watch Lady In The Water, Meet The Robinsons, and half of Inception, devour an insane amount of candy and Mountain Dew and Dr Pepper, and laugh our heads off.
The next day we hung out at the Outlet Mall pretending to be cool (we totally failed at this) until it was time to dance. And then dance we did. My goodness. It was so much fun. And then after the dance we went to Sonic, as is the awesome tradition of St David's dancers. Lemme tell you something. Sonic in 25 degree weather is cold. My word. Luckily we survived though. The next morning we had Church, and by then all of the sugar and lack of sleep and being in the cold had kicked in, and I felt horrible. So Mom took me home early from Church, and I've been recovering since. :-P But getting this cough was extremely worth it! That was just about the bestest weekend ever!

The best and craziest moments from it?

-Lizzy coming THIS close to blowing my head off with a propane lighter. "Oops. I didn't know it was on..."

-Daniel S. falling splat on his face after making fun of James... LOL that was totally priceless.

-Lizz and I pulling out our Inception totems every ten minutes and squealing about Arthur and Cobb.

-Me almost breaking my neck on the slippery porch that Elena sprayed.

-Daniel M. calling Lizzy an infidel instead of an invalid. "So are you staying home with the INFIDEL?"

 Hahaha it was an awesome weekend. <3 God Bless y'all and have a good week!
-Esther <3

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