
The adventures of three uberly blonde women. And SNOW!

Today was awesome.

Oh my goodness. It was full of happiness. But also adventures. O.o
I went shopping with Grace Anne and Olivia, which was awesome. We ran around Market Street and went in freakishly expensive stores that I can't remember the names of. They have SUCH. cute. clothes. Totally makes me wish I had a JOB. :-P

Or a millionaire boyfriend. Both would be convenient. :-P

So we get back to Grace Anne's car (Actually Essie's that she was borrowing) and the stupid thing will NOT OPEN! And we're standing out there in 30 degree weather trying desperately to get the key to turn. So after calling Grace's father and having random and very kind strangers trying to help us, we ran all the way to HEB and bought a lighter, and tried to warm the key up. Aaand that didn't work. So we run all the way back to HEB and buy some canola oil and oil the key up. That failed too. So we decide if we're going to be stranded for the rest of our lives, we might as well get some food. So we ate at Chipotle. Delicious. And Grace called AT&T and they finally sent a guy to help us. But this took a while. So to keep ourselves occupied and warm, we danced in the parking lot and ran round in circles around the car like crazy people who'd lost their minds. Which, of course, resulted in people staring at us like we'd lost our minds! It was incredibly fun, despite the bitter cold. With the right people, anything can be fun. :-) So then the locksmith guy came and was working on the door and then Olivia's mom came and sprayed some WD40 on the lock. And guess what? The door opened. After all that work. We felt so terribly blonde... and we laughed a lot. So then Grace took me to Starbucks before taking me home. Which brings me to something else.

Starbucks is amazing. Plain and simple. SO good for warming fingers. And stomachs.

It was an awesome day. :-) The rest of the week shall contain much laughter and merriment and junk food as I adjourn to Lizzy's house. And, as I mentioned in my last blog post, dancing. *grin*

OH. And. It's supposed to SNOW tonight/tomorrow. Three inches. THREE INCHES! That is insane for Houston, Texas! It's always crazy humid and hot! So as you can imagine, everyone is freaking out. I'm packing my warmest clothes for Lizzy's house. And we're totally going to have a snowball fight. :-D I totally can't wait. I'm just bubbling with excitement. I'll be sure to bring my camera and take pictures. And blog about it, too. :-)

It's positively freezing outside. (Literally!) So I have my awesomely colourful mismatching socks on. They fuzzy. I loves them.

We have a fire roaring and warm food. My wonderful Mommy made the most delicious soup! It was definitely blog-worthy. It had shrimp, mini scallops, collard greens, spaghetti noodles, mushrooms, onions, and several other delicious ingredients in it. Amazing.

It's been a WONDERFUL day. I'm so terribly blessed it's not even funny. 
Hope you lovely people have an amazing weekend.
-Esther <3

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