
My eyes have been shut so tight
my fists so viciously clenched
I’ve given up in this treacherous fight
my thirsty soul unquenched.

Why do I desire joy,
make an effort to find it
look around every corner as if
joy is hidden behind it?

My eyes are closed,
my search in vain.
I want to feel;
if only pain.

What happens when the scales fall,
and this blind beggar sees?
What happens when my eyes are opened;
all my fears appeased?

I see Your face,
marvel at grace
see that joy was all around
my soul was hardened; tightly bound.

Why was I blind, why was it I supposed
that joy is shy and hiding, concealed and undisclosed
when joy is tangible, graspable, attainable
everywhere cast and implausibly sustainable?

If I would look, if I would see
how joy would consume and encircle me
If I would give thanks, kneel at Your feet
my heart would pump joy in and out with each beat

There is fullness of joy at Your feet, in Your presence
for You are everywhere, Lord- omnipresent
joy is not hiding, and neither are You
this water I seek and this love I pursue

I’m drowning in grace, I’m breathing it in
I am free from the laws of death and of sin.
I am breathing it in, with every breath
I am freed from the law of sin and of death.

Thank you, Father. 

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