
I am a hysterical mess of feeling,
a whirlwind of sorrow and ache.
My head and heart are reeling,
consumed by pain and heartbreak.

There isn’t Morphine for the bleeding soul
or Ether for the tired mind
There aren’t bandages for this heart-hole
to heal and fix and bind

Indestructible hope, you are keeping me alive.
I know this and I feed you, try to make you thrive
but you are slow to grow; slower still to bloom
still I grasp you, hold on tight-you keep me from my tomb.

Irresistible grace, you are saving me continually
as I struggle, stumble, fail, despair- habitually
When I’m remembering pain and torture reliving
it is grace that makes me kneel in thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. This post brought back something to my mind:

    When I am hindered by my doubt
    And toil through torrents of my sin,
    In thankfulness I ask without
    And feel Your perfect peace within.
