
Cause I was in a picture-y mood.....

It was gorgeous outside today!! Windy and just the right temperature. :-) I felt like having a photoshoot, but Naomi and Jade wanted to play volleyball instead, so I took pictures all by myself. :-P It wasn't as much fun, but it was lovely to be outside.

What happens when I think about certain hilarious conversations with wonderful friends...

The sunrise from our backyard

Overall, it was a lovely Saturday. Gorgeous weather, I relaxed all day and texted amazing friends in the afternoon, and enjoyed a delicious dinner made by Mommy.

Now to get ready for sleep, and the Sabbath.
-Esther <3

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” -2 Peter 1:4

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