

Sunday evening I cooked dinner! I made Shrimp Alfredo and steamed asparagus, chopped up dome fresh celery, and made giant chocolate cupcakes topped with Grand Marnier whipped cream. We were stuffed afterwards, haha. Here are some pictures.

 So the week's been going pretty good, hopefully it will keep it up. :-P Tomorrow we're having friends over for the day! Should be fun. Have a good week, y'all!
-Esther <3


Cause I was in a picture-y mood.....

It was gorgeous outside today!! Windy and just the right temperature. :-) I felt like having a photoshoot, but Naomi and Jade wanted to play volleyball instead, so I took pictures all by myself. :-P It wasn't as much fun, but it was lovely to be outside.

What happens when I think about certain hilarious conversations with wonderful friends...

The sunrise from our backyard

Overall, it was a lovely Saturday. Gorgeous weather, I relaxed all day and texted amazing friends in the afternoon, and enjoyed a delicious dinner made by Mommy.

Now to get ready for sleep, and the Sabbath.
-Esther <3

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” -2 Peter 1:4


Why my parents are awesome.....

I have some pretty stinking awesome parents. Why? Let me tell you. :-)

My Daddy is awesome because he randomly buys my Mom hour massages to surprise her with. :-) Such a sweet husband. And my Mom is awesome because she makes amazing meals and desserts. My goodness.

This was insane. I could have eaten it all day! It was a meringue cake topped with whipped cream, blackberries, strawberries, and a coffee chocolate sauce. "Yum!" is a serious understatement.
*happy sigh* Now I am happily full, and ready to face tomorrow head on.
Life's pretty awesome. :-)

-Esther <3


Rodeo! And happiness.

Wow. It's been a while. I feel really horrible for not posting for such a long time. Sorry, peoples. Last week I had the awesomest time ever at the rodeo, with some of the most amazing people on the planet. And saw an awesome concert. Sugarland was seriously amazing live. My word. Jennifer Nettles has a voice that just makes you feel good inside. :-) I just GLOWED afterwards. Besides the fact that my feet felt so stinking sore from walking a couple marathons that day around the rodeo. And my voice sounded like a man's from screaming at the concert, haha.

*happy sigh* It was a very good week. And to make it better, I got the most adorable letter ever from Mary. My life pretty much rocks, don't you think? Have a good week, people. Whoever actually reads this. :-P
-Esther <3

Oh, and Lizzy: PLUMBER!!!! :-D