
Catching up...

Wow. It's been a while. And gee I feel a bit terrible for not posting. I beg y'alls forgiveness. :-P
So...a lot has happened in the last month or so. 
Like I got together with my bestest friend in the entire world. 
THIS girl. She's amazing. Take my word for it. 
Even though she laughs at me when I hurt myself. 
And she can't spell. (hehe) And she's a total nerd. But oh my word she rocks. <3
We shopped and went to Starbucks and had ridiculous conversations and basically had a lovely time. 
It was awesome. :-) 

And the latest blog-worthy thing that's happened lately is....my brother Isaiah came home. :-D He'd been visiting with my Grandparents in Indiana for three months. Which is actually a really long time! A quarter of a year, in fact. So when he came home....I was so happy. Ridiculously happy, actually. Just ask any of my friends, haha. I went around with a huge, stupid, constant SMILE all weekend. I just about died from happiness. 

Haha believe it or not, I really really missed this guy. :-P 

So....coming up in my life? Well our church is hosting it's Spring Ball this Saturday...which will hopefully be amazing. Balls usually are. And....that's about all. Church today was wonderful, I had so much fun. I sang till my throat ached and danced till my feet hurt. (They still do...ouch...) And I feel really happy. *hums* 
Anyways.... enough of my rambling. Have a good week!! 

-Esther <3

1 comment:

  1. WOW....nice to hear from you...not that I am any better on blogging....not to mention COMMENTING!!!!.....;P...Wish I could say I would be seeing you on Saturday..but we can't make it this time....hope the Christmas ball works though....Woo
