
impromptu hallelujah

snowflaked eyelashes
world spins, heart dashes
seismic thunder loud crashes
ripping sky the lightning slashes

whirling wind, tempestuous shocks
ocean beating upon rocks
whipping long and curly locks
testing faith, your safety mocks

daring hurricanes flee when seeing
the Holy, Good, and Perfect Being
darkness vanishes, prisoners freeing
harmoniously all agreeing

beauty indeed does rise from ashes
fear and panic pure love smashes
sin is paid for by His gashes
His cruel-thorn crown and mocking lashes

drenched in irresistible grace
still your soul and seek His face
and run the agonizing race
in life-surrendering fast pace



the way a feather slowly eases to the ground;
like dust these thoughts settle after dancing.

shadow puppets cast on a wall during sleepless nights,
constant troubles cast grey shadows on the light.

pierced by one thought that surfaces but not certainly.
for are you not uncertain?

these unsettling thoughts ease into my cracks-
dust I cannot shake from me.

oh, that my heart were a fortress
and you its conqueror.